June 17, 2015

5 different kinds of people you and your friends become when travelling.

      "Never go on trips with whom you do not love." says American author and journalist Ernest Hemingway. I absolutely agree with it. With a perfect amount of adrenaline  to visit new places and the excitement to take a lot of pictures plus sumptuous local dishes that ignites our appetites adding a best company where you can be at your craziest are just the right ingredients of a perfect get away.

Travelling is always fun and it's excitement turns us into a different individual. Here are some personalities you and your friends become when travelling.

1.  Dare devil - We all have this friend who wants to try and experience new things and then drag you to try it together or dare you to do the same thing. Learning and experiencing new things comes with traveling I guess. And doing it with your friends is priceless.

2. Carefree - That friend who started acting crazy in front of the public, the one who party like there's no tomorrow, laugh like its your last day and dance like nobody's watching. Who cares? I'm having fun. Travelling is all about having fun though, it it is an easy access to escape from the stressful life in the office, school or family.

3. Storyteller/ Counselor - We all have this friend who never runs out of things to talk about from nonsense topics like what color dress should I wear down to who farts the loudest and I am sure that when the topic is about life or love, that friend turns out to be a counselor.

4. Shutter bugger - Every foods needs to be captured first before eating it and every flowers, trees,  monuments and new places need to be photographed, They are the ones who spend half  of their trip taking pictures, and we need to patiently wait for them until they finally found a perfect spot and adjust the focus. 

5. "I love to be photographed" - Photos of  great places with amazing views, monuments, beach side, trees and the like are incomplete without them having a picture of themselves taken, They are the hyper-active picture fanatics, and upload every photos to Facebook and Instagram. 

            Traveling with your friends will add up to the many awesome and not-so-awesome memories you already have. Years from now, you'll have so much to look back at and reminisce. Cute selfies? Artsy pics? Crazy poses?  Not only is it super fun to take photos with your friend, but it's also a great way to store-up some memories for the future.